Fairtrade School Uniform

The news is that we have received our stock of children’s primary school Fairtrade polo shirts.  We now have white, red, sky blue and yellow.  Better still we have four new schools who have chosen the Fairtrade route for their school uniform options.

I have found that schools often investigate Fairtrade school uniform  when a committed parent gets involved.  It seems that we are at the same stage that coffee and bananas were fifteen years or so ago.  These committed people really do make an enormous impact.  Bit by bit things happen.

Our white Fairtrade school polo shirts have been the biggest success along with the white Fairtrade school t shirts.  While we are still taking orders for the coloured options the quantities are less.

At Cotton Roots we are still trying and committing our resources to ensure that schools can have a choice.  One secondary school in my homeland Wales is really leading the way.  They are having Fairtrade uniform made to order for them.  I will give details in my next blog but in the meantime we are delighted to be supplying them 🙂 and I am very pleased and proud that the school is from the beautiful South Wales Valleys.

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