Over the past few months the world has been turned upside down in a way that we have never seen before in our lifetime. During this time the business world has seen winners and losers and will continue to do so over the coming years.
At Impact Trading and Cotton Roots we have seen this as a time for change and reflection. It has helped us look at new opportunities and ways to grow and one thing that is definitely clear is that British and ethical manufacturing is becoming more and more important to our customers.
This has paved the way for us to help new ethically led fashion brands start up in an easy and cost effective way by introducing the ‘Your Brand’ section to our Cotton Roots website.

A catalogue of organic cotton and recycled fabric unbranded stock garments that can be branded with the customer’s own label, embroidery and print.
Each garment is priced to include the professional sewing in of a label, this can either be supplied by us or by the customer. They can then opt to add on embroidery or print to customise the garment. Orders in the ‘My Brand’ range can start from as little as 50 mixed garments which makes it a low cost start up investment.
If you would like to browse the range of ethical clothing in the range please visit our website, if you would like more information or a quote please contact us on 01908 511051 or email emily@cottonroots.co.uk.